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How to get a residence permit in Montenegro and how creativity can help you adapt to a new country. Interview with artist Helen Sun

Moving to a new country is always a challenge, accompanied by change, uncertainty and often a feeling of isolation. However, creativity can be a powerful tool to facilitate adaptation and integration into a new culture. In this article, we will talk with artist and art therapist from Russia Helen Sun about her experience of moving, obtaining a residence permit in Montenegro, and how exactly the creative process can help immigrants get comfortable in an unfamiliar environment.

The content of the article:

  1. Pros and cons of moving for creative activities
  2. How to obtain a residence permit in Montenegro in 2024
  3. What is art therapy and how can it help in adapting to new conditions?
  4. How creative expression can help in business
  5. Advice for those who are looking for new ideas
  6. Where to buy works and how to sign up for art therapy

Helen Sun is an artist in Montenegro and children's illustrator with over 10 years of experience in the creative field. Prize-winner of the Italian illustration competition "Stelina-2019", winner of the title "Best Children's Illustration" by the publishing house ROSMEN, Moscow, 2021, certified specialist in the field of art therapy, which helps people in difficult situations. Since 2024, he has been painting in the style of intuitive art. She moved from Russia and has been living in the country for 7 years. Speaks Russian, English and Serbian languages.


1. Pros and cons of moving to Montenegro for creative people

- Tell us why you decided to move to Montenegro and how it influenced your creative activity?

- The main reason for the move was that there was not enough time in the big city to implement all the ideas. I wanted to gain new creative experience and additional education in the field of art therapy. There is a lot of cultural heritage here, which of course inspires, exhibitions of contemporary art by famous artists. I drew illustrations for children and have now grown to become a contemporary art artist. I paint intuitive pictures, it’s always something new and different, because every day something happens and every day gives new emotions and impressions that result in my work. I mainly use watercolor and acrylic, sometimes mixed media and collage.

- What other advantages have you found for yourself here?

- I like the social climate in the country, the people, as well as nature, which is my endless source of inspiration. Shapes, colors, I spy a lot from nature. I also see how more and more people are drawn to art and this makes me happy. People often contact me for master classes for adults and children. Last year I conducted one master class on the topic of creating non-existent characters. This is an amazing activity for developing creative thinking. There were a lot of adults.


2. How to obtain a residence permit in Montenegro in 2024

- Tell us how you got a residence permit in Montenegro and how long it took.

- Of course, bureaucracy does not inspire me. But you can’t go anywhere without her. I opened a company in Montenegro in order to obtain permission to operate and then applied for a residence permit based on opening a business in Montenegro. I can’t say that it was as fast as I would like, but with the help of the professionals who accompanied me, it was not so nerve-wracking and there was time for creativity in the process. I would say that I was more worried, but in reality everything turned out to be not so difficult. Everything worked out within two months. It takes about 30 days to open a company and the same amount of time to wait for the loan to be issued.

- Do you have your own studio or workshop?

- To practice my creativity, I have a workspace at home, and for training and working with clients, I have an office that I rent.

- Is it difficult to rent real estate in Montenegro and search for suitable space for creativity, or can you easily find such offers here?

- It was not difficult for me to find an apartment for long-term rent in Przno that met my requirements. Large windows, sunny side and the ability to put a couple of tables and cabinets. And of course, a large veranda where I can paint with a view of the sea in the warm season.


3. What is art therapy and how can it help in adapting to new conditions?

- How can art therapy classes help a person, for example, in adapting to a new country?

- Creativity is a unique way of adapting to, understanding and interacting with a new environment. Through the artistic process we can gain new knowledge, skills and experiences that will help us successfully integrate into a new culture. Don't be afraid to express your creativity and use it as an adaptation tool. The main goal of art therapy is to harmonize the mental state of a person’s personality through the development of the creative ability of self-expression and, as a result, the development of self-knowledge. Now is the time when people are forced to leave their countries and look for a place for a new life, leaving their plans, friends, and favorite jobs.

Classes can help:

  • Express emotions and experiences
  • Create connections and communication
  • Explore new topics and techniques
  • Become your support and self-expression

- Tell us more about how drawing helps express emotions and experiences.

- The artistic process allows us to express our emotions and experiences without words. In a new country, where there may be language barriers or lack of cultural understanding, artistic creativity becomes a universal way to convey one's feelings. Drawings, paintings, music or other forms of art can help you express your individuality and share your inner world with others.

In addition, participating in art events, exhibitions, workshops, or simply interacting with local artists opens up opportunities for new acquaintances and networking. Through communication on the topic of creativity, you can find a common language with local residents, learn more about culture and traditions, and share your experience and vision.

- What does it mean to receive support through creative activities?

- This means that participation in the artistic community of a new country can become a source of support and inspiration. Sharing experiences with colleagues, receiving feedback from viewers, or simply having the opportunity to show your work makes you feel like part of a new community. Thus, creativity not only helps to adapt, but also promotes self-expression and self-realization.

- How exactly did your creativity help you in your new place?

Creativity helped me cope with my worries about an unknown future. That is, immigration is when the old is no longer there, and the future has not yet been built, you start all over again. And it is unknown what lies ahead. Will society accept you, will you be able to find social recognition, friends, will you be useful to society or is art not needed by anyone here? Complete unknown.

But I had a goal and every day I draw a lot. My morning starts with sketches, I love this time. Whatever one may say, drawing pictures and illustrations is also work, routine, bureaucracy. You need to draw, promote yourself, and you need to draw what is sold and in demand, and this is not always what you want. Therefore, sketching for me is a place of self-expression, complete freedom. I love drawing my characters, they lift my spirits and at that moment I don’t think about anything.


4. How art therapy can help your business

- Where else could such classes be useful?

- The humanistic approach to art therapy can help with planning, goal setting and achieving goals within a company team, as it focuses on the individual needs and emotional well-being of each participant.

- Tell us an exercise for teamwork.

- An example of an exercise that can be used to achieve goals in a company team is “Visualizing Success.” In this exercise, participants are asked to draw or create a collage that represents their desired success or goal. They can use different materials such as paints, pencils, photographs or magazine clippings. After each participant has completed their work, they can share their visualizations with the rest of the team. You can explain what it symbolizes to them and how they plan to achieve this goal. This exercise helps team members become clear about their goals and motivations for success.

For a company leader, an exercise that can be used to achieve goals in a business or project is "Drawing a Path to Success." This activity asks them to draw or create a collage to represent the path or steps they need to take to achieve their goals. They may use symbols, arrows, or other elements to show a sequence of actions. After the participant has completed their work, they can explain and discuss their path to success. This exercise helps you visualize and plan your steps towards achieving your goals.

- In what other cases can working with an art therapist be useful and for whom?

- Classes are recommended for people who have experienced stress, suffer from addictions or those who are depressed. There are many scientifically proven facts about the effectiveness and benefits of such therapy. I also have many tasks to develop creative thinking. These activities use parts of the brain that a person does not usually use. This can be useful, for example, if you are looking for some idea for your project or feel that it is time to change something in your life. Our unconscious stores a lot of interesting things. Often we simply don’t know how to use it, so we can’t find ideas or solutions in difficult situations, but it’s already there, waiting for you to use it.


5. Advice for those who are looking for new ideas

- Does it happen that you have no ideas?

- Oh yes, there was such a period. I worked and studied a lot and had no free time. The moment came when absolutely nothing worked.

- How did you cope?

- I took several master classes from European artists and went on a trip for a week. Lack of ideas is often due to the fact that we don't have enough new information and nothing is happening. And since the creative process is an expression of our feelings and emotions, this baggage must always be replenished.

- Advise those who have the same situations on how specifically they can replenish their emotional baggage.

- Books on various topics, films, music, preferably new music, travel, meeting new interesting people. You don't have to travel far. Just change your usual route and watch. Don't be afraid to experiment, push the boundaries of your knowledge and skills, try new techniques. Just draw with your other hand, if you are right-handed, then with your left and vice versa. Or in an unusual environment, for example, on a bus that often shakes or a subway car, I assure you that you will get something completely new.

- What is necessary for creative development?

- To develop, you need to push yourself forward, because as you know, 10% of us are talent and the rest is our efforts. It can be scary, so be as present in the moment as possible when doing something you don't know how to do yet. This will reduce stress and give you more concentration in order to achieve success and improve your skill level.

- What prospects do you see for your creativity and what goals do you set for yourself in this new environment?

- I would like to go beyond the borders of our small country, probably like any creative person here. For now, the goal is a personal exhibition here and in the future I would like to try to exhibit works in contemporary art galleries in other countries.

- Is modern art in demand now in Montenegro?

- Yes, there are many galleries in the capital, as well as on the coast; exhibitions of various artists, including local ones, are constantly held.


6. Where to buy works and how to sign up for art therapy

- Where can I see your and your students’ work?

- An online store selling my paintings, children's books and therapeutic products is currently under development. I have a presence on social networks. I switched from children's illustration to drawing pictures before I even had time to update the content. But my daily routine is sketching, the work of students from art therapy classes, and some of my paintings are there for sale. Instagram page: adriaticillustrator or Helen Sun.

- What would you wish for those who have just embarked on a creative path?

- Don't wait for inspiration, it comes while working. If you need certain conditions for creative work, as I needed and I left for Montenegro, create them. Work purposefully, not chaotically. People will buy works only when you have already found your style, technique, you like it, which means you will have your own connoisseurs.

Start from the simple and move towards the complex. Here I do not mean drawing academic performances and still lifes, but simple sketching. Carry a notepad with you everywhere. And be sure to read books, you can find more useful information there than on Instagram. Sometimes it's helpful to copy works you like. And of course patience. Sometimes work takes a lot of time and there is no energy left to promote yourself. Therefore, take small steps every day and then you will see the result.

If you are interested in art therapy in Montenegro or contemporary art works, follow Helen on Instagram and write her a message: adriaticillustrator or Helen Sun. Read also our other articles on the topic of moving: How a programmer lives in Montenegro with a salary of 1500 euros gomonte.me/blog. See the catalog for rental and sale of real estate in Montenegro: gomonte.me

Next article Long-term rental housing in Montenegro. Frequently asked questions from our clients

Blog about life in Montenegro

Do you dream of a carefree life on the shores of the Adriatic Sea, where the sun shines 300 days a year, and mountains coexist with azure beaches? Then welcome to Montenegro! In this blog, we share the experience of living in this amazing country of people who have already moved to Montenegro, talk about adaptation to a new country, the intricacies of buying real estate in Montenegro, obtaining a residence permit, and also introduce you to Montenegrin culture and traditions.

Moving to a new country is not just a change of place of residence, it is a step towards a new life filled with bright colors and unforgettable impressions. The paperwork process is not complicated, but requires careful preparation. In our blog you will find detailed information about:

  • Necessary documents: what certificates and statements you will need, where to get them.
  • How to get a residence permit in Montenegro in 2024: which residence permit is right for you, how to get it.
  • Looking for housing: how to find the house or apartment of your dreams.
  • Montenegro News.

In our catalog you can find accommodation for every taste and budget: from cozy apartments to luxury villas, and in the articles we will tell you about:

  • Stages of buying real estate in Montenegro: how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers and make a profitable deal.
  • Real estate prices: what determines the cost of housing in different regions.
  • Taxes: what taxes you need to pay when buying and owning real estate.

Each country has its own characteristics that you should know about before moving. Explore our blog about life in Montenegro:

  • Where to find inexpensive housing in Montenegro.
  • Cost of living: how much food, transportation, clothing and other goods cost.
  • Medicine: how the healthcare system works in Montenegro.
  • Education: what schools and universities are there in the country.
  • Work: where and how to find work in Montenegro.

Also in the blog you will find detailed information about residence permits in Montenegro:

  • What documents will you need?
  • How much does it cost to obtain a residence permit?
  • What are the benefits of Borawak in Montenegro?

We hope that our blog about life in Montenegro will be a useful and informative resource for you. If you want to share your experience or advertise on our website, contact us: +382 69 777 680 Viber/WatsAap/Telegram
